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Lifetime Student

Hello my babies!

Coach would like to apologize for speaking to the other teams coach in an angry voice & getting in her face. That was not kind of me. It was not the right thing to do. When people do mean things we can't & be mean back.

Instead I could’ve :

  • Taken a time out, talked nicely & tried to express my frustration . Tried to understand why she was upset.

  • Stopped the game and just played without the other team.

  • I could've told her boss.

REMEMBER: Some people will be mean and it's not your fault. They aren't happy inside. Don't let them make you unhappy inside. We are stronger than that. It's never ok to do what bad people do. We just have to take a breath , think really hard on what to do next but NEVER NEVER do what bad ppl do.

I'm so proud of you and all of your growth!