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Auntie Tisha

Auntie can i use this picture? Do you like it? …"The camera sees what it sees!"

What a beautiful Picture! YOU'D NEVER GUESS HER AGE & IM NOT TELLING!

Aunt Tisha has an incredibly beautiful spirit that radiates positivity and warmth. Usually, I try to avoid engaging in lengthy conversations with semi-strangers at the airport, but with Auntie Tisha, it felt completely different. I eagerly embraced a delightful conversation that spanned across two flights, a breakfast-filled layover, and we even exchanged contact numbers before we parted ways.

Auntie Tisha has retired from a demanding customer service call center for a cell phone company—a highly stressful job that requires immense patience and understanding. You can truly tell that she’s an empath at heart. She recounted a particularly intense time where she had to remain on the phone for hours with a mentally ill woman . The woman shockingly claimed to be in the house with a family member she murdered. In that suspenseful moment, Auntie Tisha had to keep her engaged until the authorities could arrive, never truly knowing if the story was factual or fabricated. MY GOODNESS!

With a bright smile, she shared, “We always answer the phone with…HI!… it’s inviting, positive, and not robotic,” referencing the delightful way she and her best friend approached their callers. “You never know who’s on the other end of the line, but you need to maintain control of the call!”

Throughout our entire conversation, Auntie Tisha dropped gems of wisdom in abundance! She wisely remarked, “You never know who you are entertaining—an angel or a demon. Always be kind. Be careful,” and in that moment, her gentle reminder struck a chord with me. Without stating , I realized you don’t become as zealous for life and finely tuned as she is without navigating through some truly tough situations. She didn’t allow life’s challenges to harden her heart; instead, they helped shape her into a more compassionate, complete, and resilient version of herself.

She is such a sensuous , thoughtful, and extraordinarily pleasant person. It’s easy to see why her fiancé happily decided to put a ring on it! Her spirit is so refreshing, and she absolutely deserves a post dedicated to celebrating her lovely essence.

“I take lots of pictures. I like to be active. Honey, I get up and go!” she exclaimed enthusiastically. “The older you get, the more you build a zero tolerance for nonsense, but there’s also a lot you come to realize simply doesn’t matter.” I have some inspiring reading to do, thanks to Auntie Tisha!


Meryl Streep Letter (Auntie said, “Amen to all of that sis!”)

Free state of Jones

Project 2025

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