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Headed Places

“ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” - Eleanor Roosevelt

What are your intentions? What do you dream about? What do you value & think about the most? Where are you headed?

**Keep it real with your self. Go deep. **

I’ve been taking a lot of time to set my intentions. I’d been feeling stifled for quite sometime .No, Im not trying to plan my whole life out but I desired to break my routine. The routine of going along with everyone elses plan. It is a good thing to remind yourself of what makes you truly happy inside. No expectations or opinions. It’s an even better feeling to go & do those things. Even if you have to do them alone.

I truly enjoy my own company. I run back to me each day. I never need to explain myself to me. I’m understood but I also question myself, ALOT. I can answer honestly because I feel safe with me.I’m really in the moment when I’m with myself. I love it here. I once read, “ Solitude increases self awareness , fosters creativity , encourages exploration and strengthens risk-taking abilities. I believe you can never meet anyone more deeply than you have met yourself. I believe that until you have embraced the art of being alone , you can never be with others , authentically.

It’s really weird. I can be so good with people in small doses. My cousin , Natasha , told me that I have the ability to make someone feel as if we are best friends immediately. I’m not trying to deceive anyone. I’m only being who I am ,with me - with them.

**It’s about balance. **

I still adore the idea of a large family & a few close friends. I grew up watching sitcoms like : Living Single , Family Matters , Girlfriends & Sex In the City. I loved me some X-Men too. For me , these productions highlighted growth , opportunity & the joys of companionship. I still want those moments.

I didn't realize until adulthood, there is ALWAYS a time where one of the characters must venture out alone. Departing from the pack. (Note: This turns out best when done organically/out of purpose and not out of spite or anger.)

It really got me to thinking. I want to embrace the fact that the people we love are headed places. Sometimes , without us & that’s ok. Life is a very personal journey. Even if you’re married , you have children or a bunch of friends. You dilute your journey if you can’t embrace moments of solitude. You need solitude.

PS….. Winterbloom (Downtown Fayetteville) is such a vibe. Winterbloom is the Premier Tea Supplier in Fayetteville, NC. So many options of authentic loose leaf teas. Most importantly, they have TEA COCKTAILS! I enjoyed a Melon Green Tea Tequila Cocktail , some great music & set my intentions. Easily ,one of my favorite places to go alone. []