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Chess Not Checkers

Perception influences how you respond in areas of disruption. Especially self perception. Are you the Queen or the rook on the chess board? Is disruption an opportunity or an obstacle? This past year I was blessed to gain valuable insights on how others perceive me & how I perceived myself.

Surprisingly, despite my firm moral values, genuine passion for helping others, demonstrated success, and strong work ethic, I was perceived by a board of players as a threat.How could I be viewed as a threat?

Do you confront a break in the normal course of a process as a problem, or do you approach it from a stance of power, excellence & understanding?Depends, right?

If you're in a position of dominance (energetically) ,then perception is key. Perception will help formulate your strategy & approach.

This morning micro aggressions popped into my mind. In a thought provoking manner.

I’ve noticed micro-aggressions occur when another player subconsciously attempts to neutralize the board , move into or maintain a position of power. The micro aggression you receive is a direct indicator of your greatness, so no need to be offended. (WWJD)

Usually theres such a strong presence (positive or negative) that another player will avoid direct confrontation yet move with a subtle jabs. I think we all have dished out a jab at some point in time.

If you are a truly robust energy get ready for micro-aggressions to be buzzing around your brilliance. After this year my best advice would be to use these jabs as gifts of intel. Keep your eyes on the prize & move steps ahead like a chess master. There’s a bigger picture.

Remember, in this game, you’re not reacting like someone playing checkers; you're strategizing for future moves. Of course you’ll be in some uncomfortable situations. That’s ok! This change in perspective has been genuinely transformative for me. It has enhanced my capacity to absorb energy, synthesize it, and utilize it to my advantage . I felt compelled to share this experience.

“You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”-Marianne Williamson