PS…. I love YOU
I’ve never been good at pretending to be someone I’m not. When I was younger I tried, really hard, to fit in , be accepted & loved. I thought I needed to be more - so I stole, lied, cheated, I was so mean , vengeful and immoral.
Overtime , I learned that people’s desires & expectations shift with the wind. Earthy pleasure is a moving target. Like the newest iPhone or newest car. There is no loyalty in earthy desire. Sadly, there are many people who aren’t true to themselves & see the world through lenses shaped by rejection & desperations-just as I did. They tell themselves they don’t care when they do. They make excuses for wrong when they know what’s right & then before they know it. It’s how they live & accept life.
It’s exhausting. It’s leads to pain , trauma & more rejection. The sad part is, this doesn’t change with age—it seems to get worse. The stakes are certainly higher. There’s a growing divide between those who refuse to conform to social norms and those who cling to them.
After the birth of my daughter I had to let God show me who he made me to be. I wanted to offer her a whole mother. The world only wanted to define me by what I wasn’t. It would be too upsetting for them to focus on everything that I am. The world tried to wrap me up in a set of made-up requirements & charge a fee—my soul.
In the end, there is only peace in just being. There is only solidarity in truth. There is only wholeness in Christ. Stife not included.
God loves you—the real you—just the way you are. He knows you deeply. He created you and continues to watch over you. Because He is sovereign, there is nothing you can hide from Him. He knows all your flaws, your darkest thoughts, and your insecurities.
He sees you and loves you. That can be hard to believe, especially when everyone else’s love comes with conditions. But God’s love is perfect. It offers true freedom, and there is no flaw in this diamond.
I began to sob, thinking about how I wish everyone could experience God’s love. It would heal them in ways nothing else can. He offers it to everyone, but humans programmed to believe that we must strive to obtain what is actually freely given. It the best gift. You don’t work for it. The thought of receiving the one thing we all deeply crave without any work feels too unreal.
So, because they don’t believe, they don’t receive.The food is there for the taking yet they starve.
God is so gentle . Daily he writes us love letters & at the very bottom I see…
P.S. I love YOU!
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