What’s The Secret?
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

What’s The Secret?

“Actually I just got engaged!” Grinning proudly , I hold my hand up to display my ring. My coworker/counterpart walks up to join the conversation. She thinks he is our contact and wants to introduce herself. Just as he says loudly “TOO SMALL!” I didn’t flinch. I actually laughed. He’s joking , right?

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Epitome Of Strength
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

Epitome Of Strength

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
                                                                         2 Timothy 1:7
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Mommy Dearest
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

Mommy Dearest

What came to me in the moment is: “You need to focus on your children ”. I was a little thrown off. I had been taking Carter , my 3 year old , back & forth to doctors (for 6 months) to be tested for autism & speech therapy. He is with me everyday , all day. Charlee & Cameron have everything they’ve asked for. I was a little confused. It felt like all I focused on was my children. We have a support system but it is small. So , I actually complained ALOT. 
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Headed Places
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

Headed Places

**Keep it real with your self. Go deep. **
I’ve been taking a lot of time to set my intentions. I’d been feeling stifled for quite sometime .No, Im not trying to plan my whole life out but I desired to break my routine. The routine of going along with everyone else’s plan. It is a good thing to remind yourself of what makes you truly happy inside. No expectations or opinions. It’s an even better feeling to go & do those things. Even if you have to do them alone. 

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I’d Like to Rise & Give Honor to God…..
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

I’d Like to Rise & Give Honor to God…..

God , you are the BEST!

Oh my goodness. Where would I be with out you. I can’t even imagine. I don’t want to imagine. I’m just thankful. The truest love I’ve ever known. The realest.  My best friend. You’re really dope & powerful. You help me with everything.  Literally! You listen to me cry & complain. I know I cry a-lot.  Every-time , here you go ; with peace. You remember me.  You make me laugh and you love on me. Showering me with your gifts , feeding me & forgiving me.  I  constantly think of all the ways you protect  & provide for me.  You love me so much you  even take care of everything connected to me. 
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Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson


What do you jot down in your notes? Indulge in a few note from the editor & feel free to share your own!  
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Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson


I’m a little bit of an astrology freak.  I actually think about it every day. Each time I have a slightly  impactful exchange with another human.  I’ve always felt deeply aware of my surroundings, which makes me look deeper. I’m continuously on a quest to see what’s around the corner. “ I wonder.”… 
My personality hasn’t been easy to navigate. I feel like an  X-Men. Emotional Intelligence is my gift. Not the kind you learn from school but the instinctive , gutsy ,  “did you see that” kind. I’m in Xaviers school of the gifted.  I receive help with my controlling my gift.  

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Time Travelers Daughter
Baby Love Baby Love

Time Travelers Daughter

If your were my child , I would definitely burst into your room without notice. I'd stare at you for ten seconds before walking away , leaving the door open. I'm the type of mommy who is bothered by seeing your phone in your hand too often. So if you were my child , I'd ask you random hypothetical questions to exercise your creativity & get a grasp for how you think. I'm that mom who believes too much idle time isn't good for your health. And if you were my baby I'd make sure you weren't too bored during the summer. If I did think you were bored, I'd make you write a one page short story. Prompt-less. Please enjoy this prompt-less one page story. Written By: Charlee Stacy 
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Honestly , Bo.
Tonette Johnson Tonette Johnson

Honestly , Bo.

LOVE is the one thing I know for sure. Love does not age , it does not expire , it is not bound , it is not restricted.  When love is real ; it is there forever, it does not die. It’s the one thing I know for sure. 
 I have an older brother . With him everything an adventure! My brother is a social butterfly & so full of life. He listens to  his music so loud, loves to dance, tends to play too much and always makes a scene.
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